On the Rapid Progress of AI

The following video talks about the speed of advancement of artificial intelligence.  The video come from the ColdFusion YouYube channel which is quickly becoming a Dawn of Giants favorite.  If you haven’t visited their channel, you show definitely stop by and browse some of there videos.  The video primarily focuses on neural networks and how they are advancing more by means of self improvement (sounds like a self help program for AI… which, I guess in a sense, it is) rather than updates created by human programmers.  The video gives an overview of neural nets and also presents several fascinating examples.  AI cameos include AlphaGo, WaveNet, StackGan (a generative adversarial network), and more.

Runtime: 12:07

This video can also be found here.  Make sure to stop by and give them a like.

Video Info:

Published on Apr 12, 2017